Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Pure Body Naturals Dead Sea Mud Mask

Recently I had the opportunity to review the Dead Sea Mud Mask by Pure Body Naturals.

(Look! It came in a Minion box!)

The package states that it is "100% natural mineral-infused derived from the Dead Sea." (That sounds like a good thing...)

Let me start out by saying that I love love love mud masks. (And, honestly, it's just as much about taking selfies with a funny looking face than it is about how amazing my face feels afterwards!)

It recommends leaving on for 10-15 mins. I went straight for 15. My face is oily and I felt I should go all out. (Now that I'm thinking about it, maybe I should be more cautious when trying out new products, just incase my skin turns green or something...)

At first, I wasn't sure it worked. My face felt soft and clean but didn't feel tight, like it does with other masks I've tried. So i was a little disappointed. Oh well, on with life...

Cut to the next morning:
The blemishes I have been fighting with for about a week? Gone! ... My face was a little red but after putting on some moisturizer, it was fine.

I definitely will keep using this mask, especially as a spot treatment. I will probably only go for 10 mins next time. If you have sensitive skin, I would try maybe 5 and then figure out what works for you.

Another plus?  The mask is thick so I barely made a dent in the jar. It will last forever!

(Can you see my fingerprints in the jar? That's all I used.)

*I received this product at a discount in exchange for my unbiased opinion*

If you're interested in this product:

Have you tried any products from Pure Body Naturals? Let me know about them!

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Jordan Essentials Exfoliant & Clay Mask

In my last post,  I mentioned that I am currently using an exfoliant and face mask that I really like and that they were more economical than the ones I tested.

Let me introduce you to those:

Jordan Essentials
Gentle Exfoliant &
Detoxifying Clay Mask

 If you have never heard of JE, it is an all natural Skincare company. Don't quote me on this because I may have wrote it down wrong but I believe all their products are gluten, sls, & paraben-free. (Honestly I don't really know what those things are but I'm told they are bad for me...)

They have several products. Facial cleansers, lotions, makeup, essential oils, etc... I love every product I have tried. Later on, I may review other products, but now let's talk about these two.

Gentle Exfoliant
4 oz. $14

This exfoliant uses jojoba beads to gently exfoliate, remove dirt, and clean out your pores. It can be used on sensitive skin.

It's supposed to be used weekly. I use it every other week.

Detoxifying Clay Mask
4 oz. $15

The weeks that I don't use the exfoliant, I use the mask.  (You could use them both weekly but I alternate.)

This mask detoxifies the skin using
Rich Bentonite clay. It uses vegetable collagen to soften and plump fine lines. You leave it on for 10 minutes.  It can also be used as a spot treatment for those random breakouts.

Both products make my face feel amazing. I love the clean feeling. Out of the two, I like the mask the best. Although, my sister prefers the exfoliant. Not sure if it has anything to do with our preferences or not, but I have oily skin and she has sensitive.

*My sister is my consultant. However, these are my own products. Straight out of my shower. I did not receive any discount for reviewing.*

If you would like to check out all the products that Jordan Essentials had to offer:


When purchasing, it asks if you are buying from a consultant. If you dont currently have one, please enter in my consultant's ID: 818239 ... Thank you!

Have you used Jordan Essentials before?  If so, what's your favorite product?

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Ipsy - June GlamBag

So lets talk about Ipsy.

If you aren't familiar with Ipsy, they are a monthly subscription beauty box company. Meaning that for $10/month, they will send you a box of beauty samples. Most months (maybe every month?), I have also received one full size product. The products they send vary between customers, as they are picked for you based on the beauty profile you fill out when subscribing. When you review the products on Ipsy.com, you earn points. (You can get products with these points!) Also, you will get coupon codes for a discount on the full-size versions of the samples you received. What sets Ipsy apart from other similar companies is that they also send a makeup bag every month, which excites me. I also get excited that it comes in a pink envelope - its all about the details, y'know?

My June GlamBag, as its called, included:
- J. Cat Beauty Liptitude Hydrating Lip Stain
- derma e Natural Skincare Microdermabrasion Scrub
- Smashbox Cosmetics Photo Finish Foundation Primer
- BeFine Cucumber Facial Mask
- tre'StiQue Mini Shadow Crayon
- black makeup bag with a coral/orange zipper

J. Cat Beauty Liptitude Hydrating Lip Stain

The color they sent wasn't a good color for me. (I realized I had my profile set to a medium skin tone. I don't know if I am fair or light but I'm definitely not medium! So that was totally my fault!) I wore it around the house one day. The color stayed all day. The glossiness wore off but applying a clear gloss fixed that problem.

Would I purchase it? Yes.
Its only $5.99 and they have quite a few colors to choose from.
If you would like to purchase it, here's the link:

derma e Natural Skincare Microdermabrasion Scrub

First, I want to say how much I LOVE the smell. Remember lemon drop candy? That's what it reminds me of.

While using it, I felt like it was too abrasive. A little too scratchy. Its possible my face wasn't wet enough though. My face felt amazing afterwards. I loved the clean, smooth feeling.  (I even made my husband feel my face, not that he noticed a difference. Lol)

Would I purchase it?  Probably not.
I actually planned to. However, its $32.50. I love the face scrub I currently use, which is a lot cheaper. Price is the only factor in my decision not to purchase it.
If you would like to purchase it, here's the link:

Smashbox Cosmetics Photo Finish Foundation Primer

I had never heard of foundation primer before. (I'm kinda out of the loop when it comes to anything beyond basic makeup.) This made my foundation trying so much smoother and made it easier to blend. I wasn't too excited about trying it because I didn't tblend had a problem before. Now that I have tried it, I am inlove. The days I am in a hurry and skip that step, I can definitely tell. (Again, I made my husband feel my face and again, he couldn't tell a difference.)

Would I purchase it? Maybe.
Again this is a price issue. Its $36. (I'm a "Cover Girl price" type girl.) I really love it though. Whether I buy it will depend on how long my sample lasts. If it lasts a while, it will be worth it.
If you would like to purchase it, here's the link:

BeFine Cucumber Facial Mask
(Sorry about the sideways picture!)

I love facial masks so I was extremely excited about trying this. During the 5 minutes that you leave it on, you can feel it hardening. After washing it off, my face felt smooth and tight. Exactly how you would want it to. (In case you are wondering, yes I made my husband feel my face and no he didn't notice a differe. Guess I'm going to stop asking him. Lol) The one problem I had with this is that I'm not too crazy about the cucumber smell. However, it wasn't very strong and I didn't even notice it after a few minutes.

Would I purchase it? Possibly.
Its $25, only slightly higher than the one I currently use. I love the one I am using but if I wanted a change, I would buy this one.
If you would like to purchase it, here's the link:

tre'StiQue Mini Shadow Crayon

This is my favorite product I received this month.  I have worn it every day since I got it. It goes on smooth and lasts all day. They have a few different colors. The one they sent me was Venetian Gold and it accentuates my brown eyes very well. (Btw, my husband DID notice this and kept complimenting me, without my asking for his opinion.)

Would I purchase it? Yes.
Its $26, which is more than I would normally spend for eye shadow. Hoeever, I love it. I have nothing negative to say about it.
If you would like to purchase it, here's the link:

If you made it here, thank you for reading this long post!

If you decide to subscribe to Ipsy, I would really appreciate it if you used my referral code! Thank you in advance!

Monday, June 22, 2015

Introducing me!

Hey, everyone!

Welcome to my first post!

Let me introduce myself. My name is Darla. I am married, no kids. I have been a licensed cosmetologist for 13 years.  I love trying new products so I will be blogging because I would love to tell you about them!

Right now I am working on reviewing my June ipsy bag. I haven't tried all the products yet so stay tuned!